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HANMI Semiconductor launched 3rd generation new EMI Shield equipment
2022-12-02 1432

기사 이미지
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HANMI Semiconductor launched 3rd generation new EMI Shield equipment

HANMI Semiconductor, a global semiconductor equipment company, announced on 2nd Dec. that it has launched the 3rd generation new ‘EMI Shield Vision Detach 2.0 Dragon’, an essential equipment for semiconductor electromagnetic shielding process with improved performance than existing products.

EMI Shield process is a state-of-the-art process that sputters metals such as stainless steel and copper on the surface of semiconductor chips to prevent electromagnetic waves of semiconductor chips from malfunctioning by interfering with the operation of other chips. Since 2016, it has been used to manufacture semiconductor chips for various electronic devices such as smartphone.

DS Kwak, CEO & vice chairman of HANMI Semiconductor, said, “The equipment, released at this time, recognizes and removes the location of the semiconductor package on the sputtering table through precious positioning. It is characterized by improved productivity by applying Dual Concept Picker and applying force control function to each picker so that UPH(Unit Per Hour) is stabled without declining.”

HANMI Semiconductor generated about 37 billion won(28 million dollar) in sales by launching EMI shield equipment in 2016 along with the time when global smartphone manufacturers such as Apple, Qualcomm and Broadcom introduced EMI Shield processes. It also achieved the world’s NO.1 market share in 4 years after its launch in 2020. Currently, EMI Shielding processes are used not only for smart devices and the Internet of Things (IoT), but also for automobile electronic devices such as electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles, and 6G commercialization processes such as low-orbit satellite communication services and urban aviation mobility (UAM).