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HANMI was awarded the ‘2016 VLSIresearch Awards’
2016-05-24 3990  go into details


HANMI was designated with the '10 BEST FOCUSED CHIP MAKING EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS OF 2016 and THE BEST SUPPLIERS OF 2016 Awards by VLSIresearch.

HANMI was selected as the only Korean semiconductor equipment company of these awards in the world.

HANMI proved its constant effort for customer satisfaction again and will keep up our best as a global leading company.

The VLSIresearch Customer Satisfaction Awards started in 1988. Since then, VLSI research distributes surveys for semiconductor companies around the world. The awards are given to companies that earn the highest score in product performance, customer service, and supplier performance. The result of the survey is announced annually every May, regarded as the most important evaluation standard for all semiconductor equipment companies in the world.