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HANMI as an official sponsor participated in ‘SEMICON Taiwan 2019’
2019-09-23 2695

Date: 2019.09.18 ~ 2019.09.20

Place: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center

HANMI participated in “SEMICON Taiwan 2019” held in Taipei, Taiwan from September 18th to 20th.


SEMICON Taiwan is one of world’s largest tradeshows for global semiconductor equipment & material exhibition. Many semiconductor leading equipment manufacturers participated in this world-famous semiconductor fair, more than 2,100 booths and 690 exhibitors from around the world.

Especially in this exhibition, HANMI participated as an official sponsor for the Outdoor advertisement and SEMI Industry Gala event. In this show HANMI displayed  

New Vison Placement 6.0D Supreme of the world Market Share No.1 for 15 years. Many customers visited the booths of HANMI. The customer response to New Vision placement were great appeal and positive.

HANMI will participate in “SEMICON China 2020” on March and keep up marketing promotion actively.